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Who wouldn't want this fun-loving couple entertaining them for 30 mins...? We SLAY the party in our 400 sq ft RV that we live in, just saying.
Step #1: Kick the kids outside
Step #2: Allow my husband (Rob) to be my manly Vanna White
Step #3: Laugh at our corny jokes
Step #4: Show your friends some mindblowing demos that they just can't resist any longer.
Step #5: They throw their virtual wallets at me and tell me "take all my money"
Final Step: Boom Baby. You get all the free Norwex!!
I'm not talking 1/2 off this...and 1 item.....
YA'LL I'm talking $200-500 on average of completely FREE Norwex!!! Look at these examples of REAL hosts!!!
Who is ready to paaaarrrtttyyyy?
Did you know my average host with Norwex earns $200-500 worth of completely FREE Norwex?
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